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Per the guidelines included in our Family Handbook, if your child will be absent or late to school, please email (preferred) the school secretary and copy your child’s teacher and instructional aide (if applicable) stating the reason for the absence, or call the school office between 8:00-8:30am, or leave a voicemail message prior to that time. If your child is sick, please update the school each day your child will not be returning to school.

Prompt arrival at school is expected of all students. Late arrival disrupts class and causes loss of instruction time. A child who arrives at school after 8:30am is considered tardy. Any student who arrives after the class lines have gone in must report to the front office for a tardy slip before going to the classroom. Children should then proceed to the classroom and enter the classroom with as little disruption as possible. In this circumstance, parents/guardians are advised to park on Dravus St as the student must enter through the front door of the school since all entries to the school are secured. Students/parents/guardians are not to knock on other doors and/or ask staff/students to admit them.

If a child will miss school for an appointment, please notify the school secretary at least one day in advance via email and copy your child’s teacher(s)/instructional aides(s).

Please refer to the Family Handbook for our complete attendance policy.