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Cell Phones

If there is a legitimate reason to make a phone call home, students should report to the school office and ask to call parents/guardians using a school phone. If a student brings a cell phone to school, it will be turned off and collected at the start of each day and redistributed at the end of the day by the homeroom teacher. Students may not use cell phones while in the school building either before school begins or after school is dismissed for the day. The only exception is for students with a medical reason for carrying their device. Parents must notify their child’s teacher(s) and the school secretary each year that their child will be bringing a cell phone to school.

Should a student be observed using a cell phone, or a cell phone rings during the school day, the cell phone will be confiscated and the student may retrieve it from the principal at the end of the school day. If the cell phone is confiscated a second time, the student will not be allowed to bring a cell phone to school for the remainder of the school year.

  1. Any cell phone use, including text messaging, during the school day and Extended Care is prohibited.
  2. The use of cell phones and/or cameras to take pictures in restrooms, classrooms, playground, and other school/parish facilities at any time is prohibited.
  3. Any cell phone use, including text messaging, or use of cameras during a test shall be considered and treated as cheating.
  4. No harassment or threatening of individuals via cell phones is permitted.
  5. Cell phones may not be used for playing games, accessing the Internet or email, gambling, or making purchases of any kind.
  6. If a parent/guardian needs to contact a student during the school day, such communication shall be through the school’s office.
  7. The only exception to this policy would be for class projects with student cell phones used under the direction and supervision of a faculty or staff member.

Students who abuse the above cell phone rules will have their phones confiscated and returned at the discretion of the principal.

Office Phone Use

The School Office is open 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM on days when school is in session. The school telephone is available for business use only. Students may use the phone in the office for emergencies and with permission only. Arrangements for after-school activities and rides home should be made outside of school time.

Electronic Devices

The use of electronic communication devices during normal school hours is prohibited; these include but are not limited to Smart Watches, electronic games, iPods, and other hand-held games or music devices.

The use of any technology-oriented device in school must have an educational focus and purpose. If a particular electronic communication device is to be used for educational purposes (i.e., iPad or Kindle), the school administration and/or teacher will provide parameters for its use. The school retains the right to confiscate these devices if they interfere with the learning environment. The use of camera features on any electronic or communication device to take unauthorized pictures and/or videos at any time is prohibited.

The use of any electronic communication device during a test shall be considered and treated as cheating.