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Mary Ann Van Tassell

Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education
St. Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN

Master of Education, Literacy and Language Acquisition
University of Toronto

Master of Education, Educational Leadership & Accountability
Grand Canyon University

Why did you become an educator?
I have been an educator for 30 years, and I remain passionate about walking with students on their journeys of discovery. Witnessing a student grow over the course of a school year, both academically and socially, fuels this passion. To see students grapple with a concept, and then watch the light bulb go on as they achieve understanding is most satisfying.

What is your favorite quote?
“I never lose. I either win or learn.” -Nelson Mandela

What is your favorite book?
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. It is so cleverly crafted, with the journey of a young boy and the people he meets. It is a tender story of love and a quest for understanding in the aftermath of 9/11.

Why I enjoy teaching at OLF?
The sense of community and shared values makes Fatima a great place to teach. It truly takes a village, and the partnership among faculty, parents, and parish support the growth of our students.

Outside of school, I enjoy…
Backpacking, gardening, fishing, cross-country skiing, and yoga.